Welcome back I’m Magie the host of our neighbors helping neighbors podcast from father Joe’s Villages this is a
continuing Series where we explore homelessness its causes and solutions to the issue our guests include experts and
leaders in the space as well as folks with lived experience and unique perspectives on homelessness to learn
more about our mission visit us at neighbor.org and follow us on social media
at father Joe’s Villages
last week we talked about the investing in children pillar of care and
today we’re focusing on strengthening self-sufficiency to explore this topic with me from father Joe’s villages we
have Nancy Restrepo-Wilson our director of Social Services we have Amber a
remarkable woman and client of Father Joe’s Villages who benefited from the very programs we’ll talk about today
later in the show we’ll introduce Helen coin one of our culinary arts instructors and with me always my
co-host Deacon Jim our president and CEO so welcome so than you thank you for
being here it is great to be here maybe introduce yourselves briefly hi uh my
name is Amber lucky I am a uh current resident at uh Joan Croc center with my
two daughters uh three and five um I graduated from steps program for peer support in April of last year and I just
recently L last week graduated from another program of steps for restart for program Property Management wonderful
thank you and I’m Nancy Restrepo Wilson Social Services director and in my role
I oversee the employment and education services in addition to therapeutic child care and the case management for
clients that are ready to transition into housing in addition to overseeing
the renewed internship program for students to come in and practice at father Joe’s villages
wonderful and as you mentioned Maggie I’m Deacon Jim and I’m the president and CEO I’m privileged to be the president
CEO of this great organization that we have for father Joe’s Villages and today’s today’s pillar actually
strengthening self-sufficiency is crucial because that’s what it’s all about and it’s a matter of being able to lift people up tapping to their
potential right and then having them go forward we provide the resources that they need I love Amber she’s going to
share about so much of How It’s been impactful to her I can’t wait but that’s what it’s all about so that like Amber
and like others that people can go can lift themselves up and go forward and that’s what it’s all about in today’s
Focus we as you mentioned we focused on children at one point very critical we have focused on something as simple as
meals that’s so important right the million meals we serve breakfast lunch and dinner 365 days a year in two dining
rooms absolutely crucial as well and then but today we’re going to talk about but how do people go forward what about
employment and education what’s that all about and we’ll hear about that and and and all the other services that we we
provide in order to really strengthen people and have them go forward and father Joe’s is or has been called kind
of a One-Stop shop and so Nancy maybe you can start by telling us why is strengthening self-sufficiency is so
important why did that make it into our array of services it really encompasses one of the uh values
that we have in our Creed empowerment and another one actually is dignity
anytime we are able to take care of ourselves and our families and move
forward with our lives with our hopes and dreams um really it is a testament
to our own self-sufficiency be able to have all the resources internally and externally to move forward with our
lives so I’m really proud to be part of Father Joe’s Villages and having these programs that promote self-sufficiency
for clients tell us about those programs very good so with employment and
education services uh we offer so many different resources and opportunities uh
for clients to explore their goals uh for their future employability but also
their own sense of growing in their own education and again it is important to
have employability because that might be one of the leading CES for homelessness when people lose their income and their
ability to support themselves so we remedy some of those issues with
providing these opportunities and resources for clients so at the employment and education services we
offer one-on-one support we offer group support with classes that address um
issues of um either writing resume interviewing skills maybe improving
their credit history talking about um change for their lives so we offer what
is called module and so we have several classes uh um sitting down with clients
and talking about these things in addition to that we do Outreach within the community bringing clients in or
going where the clients are at for them to receive the resources we offer and we
do offer a lot of employment and education referrals we have a lot of Partnerships with organizations that
provide this uh trainings for clients and in addition we offer those trainings
inhouse and I am going to talk about those in later on um we have access to
computers so clients can do online searches they can learn how to use computers we have access to phones as
well so they can make uh phone calls about their own benefits to the benefit offices and we also have a clothing
closet that is um single-handedly supported by the ladies Guild who is a a
forever partner with other Joe’s Villages where C sence of all genders could come in and receive
clothes um for interviews or for the initial employment weeks and so those
are some of the things that we do right now and quickly just to say in 2022 we
were able to support clients about 800 clients with
8,237 Services which means these 800 clients have many touch points of
resources throughout the year but in 2023 we have
9,6 um 67 so additional 1,000 services
for over 815 clients so we seem to have
had the same amount of clients but the services have grown so um before I get
so carried away we’re talking more about the program I really want to um encourage um Amber to talk a little bit
about your experience with us and before that I mentioned earlier to you you are
an inspiration to all of us absolutely you embody courage courage to take care
of yourselves but also love love for your baby girls whom we love a therapeutic Child Care um and that level
of love and commitment for your babies has you just in this beautiful
Journey uh where you are simply like a role model for many other people so it is a priv to be sitting next to you it
is it is um yeah so I guess yeah I’ll start off very briefly um in as you guys
know um 2021 um my husband was still alive and I actually overdosed on
fentanyl um uh we were in housing through father Joe’s from 2018 was
through rapit um my aunt actually overdose D night two I survived she did
not so I really took that as a god basically telling me to get it together
and my children uh my youngest was one at the time my other daughter was two and a half and um they got taken away
through CWS um two months later I found Alcoholics Anonymous which saved my life
so August 3rd 2023 is my or 2021 sorry is my saret date so I’m actually two and
a half years clean thank you and uh the only way I
was able to do it is very simply I was sick and tired sick and tired that’s yeah I mean it’s very admirable to do it
for family or job or other reasoning but for my own experience until I was just
ready to be done and I realized I just didn’t want to die is when it’s stuck um
you know fast forward um fast forward to uh last year so last year at the time um
um uh so I’m about my husband I I don’t want to I don’t want to skip over that
my husband also you know he survived eight Strokes my husband survived um he
survived dialysis twice he survived stomach cancer once so actually in 20121
is kind of when he was in hospice and I’m really blessed to say that on his deathbed I actually showed him my 30-day
token from AA and I promised him um very three things I promised him I would get
our girls back from foster care I promised him that I would keep his legacy alive and I also promised him
that I would um um be clean but my biggest thing is just never forgetting
his memory um the second of this month would have been um his birthday so me and the girls actually did the first
time we actually released balloons in the courtyard in um but I’m very proud um to have
showed him my 30-day token and um my my three-year-old she actually knows her dad’s favorite color even though she was
an infant um but anyways fast forward to for backwards to last year so last year
um uh is when I was actually being evicted you talked about hardship and hard times well um you know my since my
husband passing I was down one income um I had my kids back maybe not even a
month and uh you know it took about two years for my CWS to case close to close
and I’ve surviv I actually got out FAS when I was 18 um and so it was quite the
humble piece of pie or Pi that I had to you know to realize that I was repeating
the cycle but you know Mark Stevenson was my really great therapist The Works to Father Joe’s and he literally held
the light for me when I could even see it myself wow and um you know yes I was
repeating that cycle but I was also breaking not one generational curse but two of addiction and that and so I was
in a good place um but once again I was being tested and um literally father
Joe’s got me my girls in a day before the sheriff’s were going to come talking and escorting us out of our apartment um
and so the Gratitude I have for that uh and you know they you know Christy Drake she’s an amazing Advocate through
um the district and she got my oldest daughter in preschool she got actually her school bus which she loved and she
got my youngest daughter into TC and because I have care for my kids and I was had stability and um I was able to
focus so I actually got saw the steps I saw peer support and I said hey that’s kind of my alley I have experience and
why not get the education in it right um so actually the same month my CW CWS
case was closing April last year that same month I actually got peer support and that was two weeks and honestly it
was lifechanging I think my biggest takeaway from that was um learning
the the combination between self um talk and
self-esteem there was self I mean we were it was an amazing course I mean there was a couple veterans and there I
mean it was just an amazing life course so I got that certification um like you
mentioned the interview and the resume you know one of the requirements for your 10 days is also to complete the
modules but I was also able to kind of get some confidence too because it was a very long time that I was out of this
Workforce and you know going through the modules it kind of started out like a gosh gotta do this right but then
towards the end of the mock interview it really regained my confidence and like hey I remember how to do this like even
rebuilding my resume I was like oh yeah I did do that years ago and I do know how to do fix you know fit a format and
I do know how to wrap text in Google Sheets um so that was really nice and um
you know and so um this past June I got set up with a Sherman Heights Community
Center um and I actually interned from their pain internship and um then uh
last about three months ago um a couple of my case workers was like oh what about restart for property management go
finish like I didn’t wake up one day but you know what I another staff actually told me about it the same day and I
always say like I feel like that’s God people especially people don’t even know each other um but I said why not
you know the whole point of me this time back around is to really get some skills under my belt and you know like you said
being self-sufficient like that is the goal um so I did the restart um program
I started actually October 24th which is another sign it was the day before my oldest daughter’s birthday and the last
day of class was actually my birthday um and so everything is so meaningful I mean I just I I feel like
for me on a side note the I wish if I could tell my old self one thing it’s
get out of the way you know because yeah like the faster I just got out of the
way and just to you I just let go and let God to
say it very EAS I used to say that all the time right let let God Jesus take the will but I really actually executed
it and when I did all these blessings have came up but I mean it’s you know it
was an amazing program it was two different parts so the first part was four weeks at the class and like I said
the final test was 100 questions um I made a friend in there and uh she finished first she got a 100
and I got a 100 for you all right yeah so that was yeah it was I mean I was
yeah and but it was really cool though because there was so much I learned that I never thought I’d learn and that was actually funny because there was like a
flooding in TC the second week cuz of whatever and I actually was the same week I learned about risk
management and so then I realized like my friends are like what’s taking it so long why do we have to leave the
building and go up this you know exit I’m like oh that’s why and then the next week there’s another contractor and I
realized okay there everything is dry so they’re putting the paneling back and I never thought I learned that but it was
great and I um they actually took us shopping and you mentioned this Clothing Closet you know there is we went
shopping it was amazing but I did definitely utilize that clothing closet and I have this beautiful blue blazer I
use it all the time no but it was really but it it really brought confidence you know I I
ended up interning at a 970 unit property wow it was a a pro
pradon Ria Vista um and so it was four weeks paid which is Another Blessing um
and you know the first week I got hands on in I got to Shadow the leasing agents I got to Shadow on uh some tours the
second week was uh residential services but I like to call it a chaos coordinator and I kind of had a very
special uh I kind of have experience with having young children so I felt like a lot of the residents and and and
they just wanted to be heard and you know but I actually got experience in like the yardi system which is a very
common system that um is used in property I’ve got to you know do thing and um the third week was maintenance
and so that was kind of my least favorite I’m not a very I don’t know what a like a screwdriver or Flathead is
I didn’t tell you I tried using my daughter’s toena Clippers one time do one of their toys I couldn’t um but it
actually been really exciting because I ended up um one of the things I did was I actually used the power drill and I
got to change the locks the show locks so cool yes and I learned how to actually ring key a lock so it’s like
these really tiny little pins and well but it was great and then the final week I got to just Shadow the managers
and I just actually had my my
certificate this is yeah and it was really special too because my my kids came actually I had more guests that
were there for me than actual people that were there like there was like if everybody from the board was there yeah
and it was like both my pastors came my kids came actually one of my neighbors um had actually watched my daughters
that’s another person I have to give a huge shout out to because I don’t just trust anybody with my children um and um
she actually did the pickups for me in the drop offs it was N9 to six it was very
intense um it was very hard for me as Mom guilt to do that right right because
it was it was hard it was hard it was um I would get home and I would just had to
feed them and brush teeth and and that was it um and there was these sacrifices that I was making but I was really proud
of myself for not giving up and showing them what responsibility looks like you
know and of course I spoiled them on the weekends you know we went to a lot of places um but no I’m really proud of
that and so we actually had our graduation we have our official graduation the professional one and yeah
and I’m just really excited for my future so and it’s all because you guys a brilliant Amazing Story all we
all we did was provide the resources you did the work you’re incredible and I just like to mention too I feel like
that’s another conception too is that there are many resources at father Joe’s
I think the biggest obstacle for some people that come in there is a matter of like executing right you know not
everybody is going to do everything for you you have to want it and there there is everything there like you said it’s a One-Stop shop it truly is so and you
Embrace that resilience so thank you what a beautiful story a beautiful story and of course
we’re so proud of you we can’t to see all of the amazing things that you’re going to do and to watch your little
girls grow up and my oldest is reading now as of last week so that’s my highlight really great and she’s five
she’s five years that’s really great five years old I’ll tell you what I’ve seen you Amber from the very first time
I met you is that you have this resiliency but also you you seize opportunities yes you really do and and
just the way you described what you went through I mean the fact is you you dove into it right and you didn’t like the
maintenance aspect of it and yet you were using Grill and changing pins on the lock and so forth I mean you really
Embrace that right and that’s why you’re going to be great going forward no no doubt in my mind no doubt thank you
thank you for joining us of course of course thank you thank you thank you so much story of your transformation is so
inspiring really thank you as well and you know you mentioned you mentioned that you did it you did it for you got
you was just sick and tired in a sense but what I’ve seen because I’ve heard you speak before and even today is your
selflessness well you speak about your husband by the way oh my gosh you must have really loved your husband I mean
it’s quite evident I mean no but but you were there for him during his illnesses and that’s
hard right and so and and and one of the things you remember when I first met you you said you didn’t say father Joe’s
saved your life you said because of Father Joe’s your your your children if not
would be orphans that’s a very selfless comment it wasn’t it wasn’t focused on yourself it was focused on the need of
your children that they would need a mom right so you’re you’re great Amber you’re really you are thank you
beautiful beautiful thank you thank you for being with us thank you our next guest is Helen coin one of our culinary
Hearts instructors she is dear to all of our hearts and you are actually in our culinary arts program which is part of
the umbrella program that Amber is a part of is that correct that’s right perfect my name is Helen coin I’ve been
with Father Joe’s going on three years now super excited to um be here and work
with um students um I’ve been in the Food Services in Industry my entire
career worked at a lot of different places from fast food to fine dining
I’ve worked front of the house and back of the house of course my passion is baking and pastry that’s why you like my
cookies show yeah but um yeah um I got into nonprofit work of a few years ago and I found my
way my found my home at father Joe’s and um so that’s what I do is I uh teach
culinary arts and it is a a job training program and so what does the program
look like and what impact have you seen on your students so um the program is a
12 to 16 week program I have had students come in for shorter times and
what happens is it it’s tailored to what my clients need and sometimes they just
they have the experience in the industry they just need to get back on their cutting board with their knife get their
confidence back and then I refer them over to EES which is our employment and
education center and they’re able to get their uh resumés worked out and we have
lots of job leads there um yeah that’s wonderful so these are folks who are
staying in Father Joe’s Village’s shelter and are looking to do this train program utilizing the additional
resources to gain confidence and build Mastery and then get back into the workforce yes wonderful tell us about a
success story from one of your students well I have quite a few um and right now
I’ll just talk about the last class that graduated and uh all of them are on
their way into jobs and uh in fact I just spoke with Amira who’s over at um
EES and she’s speaking with uh one of the clients and uh looking at um a hotel
that I used to work at and I have made a referral for him to go there so um she’s
working hand inand with him polishing his resume and he is ready to go and the
other two I think have interviews um in the next week or so wonderful wonderful
and tell us about the graduation ceremony I heard it was very impactful well it’s very unique our graduations
because my clients got to make the all the food plan the menu make all the food
for the graduation and um there were many different things they they decided
to do a lot but they pulled it off and everybody loved it we had a Sherie board
we had some cold soup we had some hummus and uh Peter bread and uh crud um I
can’t remember that we had we had some hot items did it delicious absolutely
delicious cookies and pastry of course yes of stones oh yes yes so when you go
to school you write a paper to prove that you learn the skills while being trained right The Culinary Arts students
really had to put all this beautiful spread as their final test and they
exhaled at it they were fantastic all of them are and you’re a fantastic trainer Helen you know I think the best part
about that is seeing their friends and family come to the graduation they were
so proud of what they had created and their families just were so excited
about trying the food and seeing them graduate it it was oh I get chills just
um thinking about it it was it was great and I am starting a new culinary program in the next week or so I have some um
clients who are already enrolled and will be getting started shortly great
it’s so invaluable listening to Amber talk too you hear about you know
nervousness and hesitancy to get back into the job Force it’s hard for anyone to get back in once you’ve been out
imagine if you’re dealing with homelessness or losing your kid you know so these programs are building Mastery
and confidence and it’s invaluable you know the other thing that happened with my last class is each of
them discovered this passion they had for cooking and they were like H I’ll try I’ll try
culinary arts all three of them I’ll try culinary arts and all of them were
struck with this passion for it and it’s just for me that’s such a huge payoff to
get that confidence and that passion and you know that will drive them to be
successful in this industry well they it’s because what of what you instilled in them and I could see that at the
graduation the remarks that they made when they came up for their certificate or the marks they have such huge respect
for you I mean and that’s and because you were able to instill that in them again it’s just tapping into their
potential as I said before I mean they have it in there they some sometimes they lose hope for various reasons but
it’s it’s a reins stilling that hope because they really do have it in them and that’s what you saw in each and every single one one of them and so now
they’re going off and talk about self efficiency huh yes yes I cannot wait to
see where they end up and what end up doing so super exciting that’s great
that’s great and this is just one of the many programs within our education and
employment center yes and before I tell you more things about the program um I
actually would like for people to know where you are training the students because you have your own house with a
kitchen in addition to utilizing the amazing kitchen at father Joe’s Villages
so we have a lot of opportunity and a lot of Hands-On training um so I have a
small kitchen and a really nice classroom uh where we do uh lectures and
testing and things like that and we do some work in the smaller kitchen I love
getting into the commercial kitchen because that’s what the kind of kitchen and that’s the kind of equipment they’re
going to be using when they’re in the industry we have two kitchens on campus and we utilize both of those kitchens
and they’re able to learn so much by using that equipment working around other staff members seeing how other
things are done while we work on our projects yeah so it it’s incredible the
the space that I have to teach in and um the classroom space and yeah it it’s a
great uh great resources that we have at father J’s yeah and and at the
graduation they got they each received a gift want to describe that gift oh they
received a gift of a brand new knife kit culinary arts knife kit so I I think
it’s about six knives in there and a couple of other tools very nice it goes right over your shoulder it folds up
goes over your shoulder and they can take that on to their jobs where they’re working so they leave with their chef
coat their whole uniform the the correct shoes the hat everything
and the knife kit so they are really ready to go there’s a lot of places that provide uniforms and there’s a lot of
places that do not and there’s some places provide knives others do not and it’s really makes you feel so much more
professional when you have your own knife kit yes yes yes beautiful it’s
really great that’s really great and all of that is supported through the skills
uh and training enhancement program that we have steps yes right you know the uniforms and the shoes
and all of that and and and supported speaking of support supported through philanthropy yeah yes that’s a program
that for the most part is funded through philanthropy and it’s so very very necessary we just expanded that program
we opened up in a new area and and and we had a grand opening in that in that regard earlier yes or later say the last
part of last year September and in September and and it was just great to see the people who came out to at that
grand opening right to the testimonies that’s exactly I remember Terry’s
testimony at that at that event itself I mean he having gone through the program
um but that’s again a testament to the community they they see the need they see the along with us they see that need
and they step up so yeah we see in Amber for example the result of all these
efforts uh towards their outcomes basically efforts that an entire Village
really uh Pro provides for the clients but those resources and the Staffing and
the infrastructure that we have would not be possible if we didn’t have the support from people in the community
from funders and donors and um the employment and Education Services
Program uh was renamed so we had the renaming ceremony in September and it was because of this um philanthropist
this wonderful human being who left his legacy to Father Joe’s villages Eugene
is Eugene OR Jean jeene he was Eugene but he went by jeene jeene Bard and so he’s a benefactor and without him
honestly we wouldn’t have this space that we now have it is a beautiful space with brand new computers even the staff
members have their own little offices where to operate from we have a small space for classes where we do the
modules that I spoke about earlier and um a bathroom even for clients
themselves because we have a lot of clients with disabilities so now they might be able to have their own bathroom and it’s on a first floor easily
accessible for clients in the community exactly so it is it is a beautiful thing
that we now enjoy because of benefactors exactly and because they believe in US
absolutely believe in what we do well and and they believe in those who were blessed to serve right yeah they they
they understand that the difficulties the challenges they they seem to right no right we have a little more time I
want to hear briefly about your other program s and if you could touch on homeless Court too which is so important for removing barriers very good so yeah
removing barriers basically is at the core of the employment and education services and building client sense of
self-esteem and self-worth and capacity and for them to feel that they are
capable to keep moving forward with their lives despite of the challenges that they come with and so employability
and training them on skills um I just want to go back a little bit with Chef Helen that not only you train them to
become chefs basically but you also train them to uh do uh what is it
kitchen fundamentals even if they didn’t complete the entire course they are trained enough with great skills for
them to be able to be a prep cook at a kitchen and we also provide some trainings even in dishwashing for some
people that want to start in the food industry what doing that it’s a minimal
job but the core of EES and the uh skills and training
enhancement program programs are really to help clients get meaningful salaries
salaries that will give them the opportunity to save and the opportunity
to pay for a house a rental or for some people hopefully we’ll get into
mortgages who knows but uh so what we do is really eliminating helping eliminate
these barriers to employment and we do that with um the
skills and training enhancement program and so I want to say one thing about it
I believe that started as young as father Joe’s created uh the organization
that employment was one of those key factors in helping our neighbors and um
I believe for the last 20 years we have uh uh rayi as our manager has been
committed through and true through all the changes and challenges yes and for
20 years he accomplished 20 years of other Joe’s he has been able to lead the program through all these challenges and
so with that with the skills and training enhancement programs we now have a lot of Partners uh not only to
provide training from outside organizations supporting our clients but
we have this part that I believe father Joe himself called it the University of
the human spirit right which is our staff like Chef Helen our mentors and
trainers within father Joe’s so we have a component that is part of that University of the human spirit that is
part of our uh skills and enhancement uh training enhancement program so we have clients being trained in building
maintenance Warehouse um Fork Clift driver for yes
and actually they are trained with a trainer that is um OSHA certified so they could get good salaries about that
but we also have uh what is said maintenance janitorial services so our
securitya security guard training right so our security staff our operation staff our kitchen staff um facility
staff they have staff members themselves coming in and providing the mentorship
uh to the clients with a set of skills it’s not just like follow me and Shadow
me it is really a set of skills you know that very well from the training that you do and so the other trainers our
mentors provide that and so in addition to that component that father Joe called
the University of the human Spirit once I heard that from our chief programs offic programs officer Ruth uh bruland I
got hooked I said Okay I want to be part of that in Forever we’re going to continue to do this so in addition to
that we bring other partner resources so um restart is the property management
organization and Amber was wonderful at describing what it does not only they provide them with the trainings for all
these weeks but the mentorship like one-on-one support someone in the
industry will continue to work with them for an entire year and they also help
them with jobs and the uh salaries are pretty good salaries for our clients and
so in addition to that we have uh peer support counseling with an organiz ation
Nami which is a Mental Health Organization um or RI resources or
recovery International um and Amber actually was one of the graduates uh she
mentioned that uh in April so we have a lot of resources a lot of Partnerships
we bring the clients to train or we send them to be trained at these many different organizations and so another
barrier to employment and education is uh and even housing is
um the legal situation that many clients are get into and so the San Diego Bar
Association Foundation has provided us with this ongoing Support over the years
to be able to fund um um supporting clients legal cases so we have our
homeless court and we are one of two organizations the other one is um the
veterans um bbsd so the veter organization so they also provide core
representations um they help clients clean records and I have some numbers
I’m hoping to get here so in 2002 209 cases were dismissed and they
are this um misdemeanor cases any other high criminal cases that’s a different story these are trolley tickets
encampments Prim exactly primarily and what is interesting I think is a correlation between what the city is
doing now in cleaning up the streets I guess and not giving clients a lot of tickets housing them or or Sheltering
them in different locations that so 20 2022 we had 2 209 cases dismissed in
2023 we had 162 which were less because there were
less parking tickets or public nuisance tickets Laing exactly given to clients
and so that is a good sign that collectively in the whole Community people are doing things so anyway so
with the homeless Court we’re able to also help clients eliminate some of the barriers to housing and employment if
someone has a record they might not be able to rent an apartment so we provide those resources for them as well right
and that Homeless court is held inhouse at Jo so for about a year during Co it was virtual but for about a year so
we’re now doing it in person so we’re doing it here and we’re also doing it at so a judge comes in there’s someone who
defends the the public defender public defender that’s right and then we also have a staff member as an advocate
representing decline too amazing it’s great as always we have so much to talk
about and never enough time and I just want to thank you sincerely not just for your time today but for everything you
do in our community and for our neighbors yeah thank you so thanks for being with us it is an absolutely and
thank you for joining us homelessness is a human story and at father Joe’s Villages we’re more than service
providers we are a movement and a catalyst for change on our next episode we’ll bring more important topics and
solutions to the table because we’re all neighbors helping neighbors until next time how are you going to get involved
this year you can make a difference by donating cash volunteering donating HomeGoods or clothing shopping in our
thrift stores or online website or engaging in planned giving take action today at neighbor.org there is hope in
every step and we hope you walk with us as we are all neighbors helping neighbors