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a father with two children

The stories of each and every person we serve are a complicated mix of heartbreak, tragedy, bad luck and, for some, bad choices. We are so proud of the life-changing support that our staff and volunteers provide and the amazing resilience and heart of each of our clients who find their way out of homelessness.


Angela’s Story

Angela came to us with her son Jeremy. They found themselves homeless when the family member Angela cared for passed away. Since Jeremy has disabilities, it was hard for Angela to find a job with the flexibility she needed. They were able to find respite when they came to the Village.


Jeremy enrolled in our Therapeutic Childcare program and started attending nearly every day. The child development teachers and mental health clinicians helped him improve his behavior, which in turn meant that Angela could more easily leave him in the care of others. Angela worked with a Case Manager and the Employment and Education team to build a good resume and secure income.


Early this year, with Jeremy doing well and money in the bank, Angela and Jeremy moved out to a home of their own. They continue to thrive in their new neighborhood and recently praised the Village for making their new home possible.

Matthew’s Story

Matthew struggled to gain and maintain employment due to his depression and accompanying alcohol abuse. He also had physical health complications as a result of his chronic homelessness, which eventually meant that he couldn’t work. He was homeless for 15 years.


During his stay at the Village, Matthew finally bounced back. We helped him apply for disability benefits, and Matthew’s Case Manager made sure that he was connected with consistent healthcare.


After 15 years of not being able to support himself, Matthew found his new home. He is now living in his own place not too far from the Village, paying rent, making his own meals and enjoying every minute of his new life.

Daniel’s Story

Daniel came to the Village after his divorce. He was all alone and depressed and missed seeing his children every day.


Daniel entered our program with goals for the future. He engaged in individual therapy and in our out-patient alcohol and
drug treatment program. While actively participating in treatment Daniel also focused on building the skills he needed to secure a well-paid job.


Due to his focused efforts and the support of Father Joe’s Villages staff, Daniel secured stable employment and moved into his new apartment after just a few months with us.


We look forward to helping even more people find hope, but we can’t do it without you. Your support makes a difference!