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When Kevin, a Air Force Veteran with a chronic illness, became homeless, Father Joe’s Villages was there to provide targeted support that would help him get back on track with Employment & Education Services and Housing Programs.

A Veteran in Need

Kevin is a 56-year-old Air Force Veteran who has struggled with Crohn’s disease since his time in the military. After his military service, Kevin got married, raised a family and drove a limousine for 17 years. Everything seemed to be going well but his whole life changed when he got divorced.

Soon after, Kevin became depressed and ended up on the streets of San Diego. His chronic illness was difficult to manage while living on the streets, so eventually Kevin was hospitalized at the Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center in La Jolla.

The VA helped stabilize Kevin’s symptoms and he was referred to our Hospital to Housing program, which helps Veterans get back on their feet.

Meeting with a case manager each week, taking Employment & Education Services classes and receiving meals and shelter helped Kevin identify and pursue his goals.

“At Father Joe’s you’ve got a roof over your head, you’re getting fed, you’ve got all the services you can imagine to help you get you back on your feet… There’s no excuse to say you can’t be successful here. Know that they aren’t going to do it all for you. You have to put in the work.”

Kevin received the assistance he needed to move forward. Equipped with a case manager to encourage him, new ideas for managing his finances, job training and specific steps to set achievable goals, Kevin was able to save enough money to obtain housing.

He said, “The support is the best thing about being at Father Joe’s Villages.”

Kevin not only received support from the many dedicated staff of Father Joe’s Villages, he also received support from donors like you, who believe that people can rebuild their lives.

Kevin’s Joy

Kevin moved into a one-bedroom apartment in November. As a plant-lover, he was especially happy to have a balcony so his plants get plenty of sunshine.

“Moving into my apartment was joyous. It was a really happy day.”

Now, he meets with a Case Manager regularly to help him stay on track and is continuing with our job training programs.

Because of the kindness of your support, Kevin has not only overcome homelessness but his life has bloomed into something beautiful again.

Donate to Father Joe’s Villages today to provide people like Kevin with skills training and support from our Employment and Educations Services department, along with nutritious meals, housing and best of all—joy.

Did you know?

$15 provides steel-toed boots needed for a neighbor’s new construction career.
$25 offers a neighbor one session with Job Developer to help them find work in the community.
$50 gifts a computer skills class to a neighbor to help them thrive in the modern job market.
$70 – covers the cost of a student uniform for our vocational training program in Culinary Arts.

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