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You may have heard the news: Father Joe’s Villages is investing in more permanent housing to address the largest barrier to solving homelessness in our community – a shortage of housing options. The organization is also re-focusing existing programs to maintain its most effective services to end homelessness. These shifts in programming are part of an ongoing strategy to focus on the most pressing needs of people experiencing homelessness in San Diego.

Looking for more information about how these shifts in programming affect Toussaint? You’re in the right place.

What changes are taking place at Toussaint?

The building known as Toussaint will adapt to serve as permanent housing with on-site supportive services for young adults ages 18 – 24. The plan is for this to add approximately 40 permanent housing units.

Of all the programs at Father Joe’s Villages, why is Toussaint being impacted?

This was a beloved program and it was not an easy decision to make. However, Toussaint was both the most underfunded and the most expensive program to operate per person served. This prudent choice will allow Father Joe’s Villages to help the greatest number of our neighbors in need. The shift will help retain Father Joe’s Villages’ ability to provide the most comprehensive services possible for those struggling with homelessness in our community.

What is Father Joe’s Villages doing to help the teens living at Toussaint?

Staff members from Father Joe’s Villages are working one-on-one with each teen to identify the best transition plan for each youth and to support them before, during and after their move from Toussaint.

For each teen, the next step toward continued stability will look different. Father Joe’s Villages staff is committed to honoring the unique circumstances of each teen and ensuring that the next step for every teen is a positive one. Father Joe’s Villages’ case managers, mental health staff and chaplaincy staff have all been part of the teens’ support system during this transition.

A safe and healthy reunification with family will be ideal for some teens. Since family reunification will not be the best choice for all teens, staff members are exploring all other options with each teen, including placement into other housing and supportive programs. Regardless of the individual circumstances, staff members will continue to closely guide teens – and their family members or guardians as appropriate – through each step of planning for the future.

In addition, Father Joe’s Villages will continue to support these teens well after they move out of Toussaint. Aftercare services and scholarships have always been provided to Toussaint youth to support their transitions into college and young adulthood – and this remains true for the teens currently at Toussaint. Through aftercare services, teens will be able to continue relying on Father Joe’s Villages in the years to come for support in areas ranging from college scholarships and financial aid application assistance to connections with additional supportive services.

How does this change affect the staff at Toussaint?

No staff will lose their jobs as part of the program adjustments at Father Joe’s Villages. Employees changing roles within Father Joe’s Villages will have the opportunity to fill positions created by the new programs if they should so choose.

When is this change taking place?

Placements for the teens currently living at Toussaint will take place from now through the end of 2016.

To learn more about Father Joe’s Villages’ four new scattered-site permanent housing programs,
please click here.