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War often leaves an indelible mark on the communities we call home, on our families and on many of the thousands of neighbors in need who call the streets of San Diego County home. It is no secret that we live in a military town, but did you know that San Diego also has the distinction of the third highest number of homeless veterans in the United States?



Think about that. What is it like for the men and women who serve to return to San Diego with no actual place to call home, no place to find shelter from the often harsh elements and unsure of when their next meal might come?

The good news is that Father Joe’s is here to help assure veterans have the support and services needed to get them on the path to self-sufficiency.

Father Joe’s programs like those through the Addiction Treatment and Education Center and Healthy Relations Group, target the underlying issues veterans face that contribute to their homelessness. We work with both individuals and their families, assuring that our clients have access to the tools and services they need to achieve their goals.

One of the most satisfying feelings is seeing veterans without a home or employment come to Father Joe’s at a crossroads and, after working with staff in our programs, achieving successes and self-sufficiency.

In just one year’s time at the Village, Brian obtained a drivers license, established a savings account and earned a permanent position as an equipment operator with the Department of the Navy.

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 10.35.09 AMOr take Tony, who came to the Village three years ago after losing his job. Of his time at the Village, Tony says:

“The Village gave me the right tools and resources to be able to find a job. It is there if you really want to get away from being homeless. With Father Joe’s program, I find myself with a job and a place I can call my own. And with God’s help, he’ll keep me healthy enough to keep it.”

Tony is now employed as a security guard, has a place to call home and is happily looking forward to the future.

Each year, we work with more than 1, 600 veterans to ease the transition out of homelessness. You can help veterans like Tony and Brian know the pride and strength they once knew so well again. Donate today.